Let’s talk about SEO and content updates…


Search Engine Optimisation

Everyone knows to look for companies and organisations on Google. Even if most of your traffic is through word of mouth, we’ve all been in that place where we can’t remember if the website was .org or .com and the chances are many of your first time visitors will also not remember. When that happens we usually turn to Google (or our browser does it on our behalf), so you want to make sure you can be found in search engines, and the nearer the top the better.

Being nearer the top in Google helps get your message out far and wide bringing in more potential supporters so it’s well worth considering getting a boost with one of our SEO plans. 51% of all website traffic is driven by SEO, which means there is a great opportunity to reach more people than through word of mouth alone.

Content Updates

Keeping your visitors informed is a crucial part of keeping them engaged so we recommend you update your website regularly. However even if you have new content for your site we understand it’s a job that often gets put off till you have more time.

New content and SEO maintenance go hand in hand so we combine them into one package. That way when you have new content for your site, we will split the time allocated for the month between content and SEO updates, to make sure your supporters and Google are kept up to date. Our SEO plans are dynamic enough to provide more time for updating content in busy months, and more time for SEO tasks in the lighter months, giving you the most cost effective option.